Anja, po' llegaron siempre.. Welcome 2 da pics section of da site.  I hope to keep this section updated at least every couple of weeks to keep yall interested and comin back 2 see more of mi sexy bishez.. LETS DO DISSSSSSS!!


Aight, this pic is old as hell, but its the most  recent pic i got wit all my most important peoples in it.. Back row, left 2 rite:  Johnny, Jarold, Assad, Javier, Chris, Jaime.  Front row: Edgar


Chiliando at da BBQ Memorial Day weekend.. ya tu sabe, comiendo pincho y pollo y bajandolo con Presidente.  Left 2 rite: Brugz, Meliza, Jaime n Angie

Oh shit, its that nigga Brugal con Pepsi, aka Feliz Cumbe, aka Pickles from Fulanito, aka Edgar..  Jus ya average bug-out, drinkin partner, amante de las mujeres, y un amigo verdadero cuando lo necesitas..


HOME More Peeps...>>